Charlie Blue

Snow much fun

Winter Weims

Owyheestar Weimaraner's News

Making memories for a lifetime……..

It is not hard to come up stories from when we were kids. They are often indelibly etched on our psyche. These are those moments in time we visit (sometimes willingly, and sometimes unwillingly) from our childhood. We remember them when something triggers the on-button, and it can be anything; a sound, a smell, an event. We may not be able to conjure up this same emotional archived moment at-will; however, it is stored in our subconscious. Other times we can remember by choice. I will never bite into an apple without taking a journey back in time–to our front-porch. I was about four years old, and there was a basket of apples on the front stoop. I reached down and took a bite, chewed, swallowed, and then saw the half-of-a-worm crawling on into the apple. How can I remember that event? I was only three or…

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